Thursday, June 30, 2016

Synchronous behavior

Synchronous behavior is fascinating to me, because once you are aware of it you see it happening all the time.  Unintentional synchronization happens in every day life as well as in the lab.  It happens most notably with someone who you are around for an extended period of time, or who you perform specific tasks with on a daily basis.  For instance, a couple who lives together will have a synchronous morning routine.  They will move around each other, knowing or understanding where and what the other person will do next.  It makes for a fluid scene.  Synchronous behavior can also be seen in nature, with animals such as dolphins.  Dolphins will swim at high speeds underwater, and leap into the air at random intervals.  Often, multiple dolphins will surface at the same exact time, arching through the air in a seemingly rehearsed fashion.  Are the dolphins communicating with each other before these aerial displays or are they so in tune with each other that it comes naturally?

1 comment:

  1. I used to work in an upscale Italian restaurant. For about a year there another server and I quickly began unintentionally synchronizing our movements in the kitchen, near the tables, and around the point of sale. I worked closely with this person on numerous shifts and we got to know how one another moved. During the heat of a busy shift in a restaurant, time can become everything. We want to get drinks and food out as quickly as possible for the best tips. In reading this chapter, I was able to make that connection that we did exactly what the author is talking about. We became synchronous with each other in how we maneuvered around the restaurant in order to efficiently do our jobs.
