Cross-modal plasticity is the ability of the brain to reorganize and make functional changes to compensate for a sensory deficit. For example in blind individuals, brain areas typically dedicated to visual perception often become co-opted by the auditory and the touch sense. Touching activates higher-level brain areas needed for recognition and reaction. In blindness, touch strongly activates visual brain areas. Activation of these visual regions might be essential to the enhanced touch skills of the blind. After years of being sightless. The unused visual brain is able to reassign itself to the service of touch.
Hey Hanna! Really great job on the blog post, super helpful to help me study and finalize my guide for the final. I love that you brought in the experiences in blindness, especially since it is used as an example throughout the book. It's truly amazing that our brain is able to compensate for the many challenges and changes that we, and many others, may face. Thanks again :)