Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Post #1 Sommelier - Angelina Marte



    One of the topics I was most interested in learning was the sommeliers. I was amazed on how advanced a wine specialists' brain can be just by learning and experience. I was also surprised on how little it had to do with their taste buds, showing how far the human brain could really go. Some things that I would like to learn more about his how their brains activate in those specific regions (left hemisphere) after they've taken a sip. A question that I have is how the brain reacts then to just looking at or even just smelling wine. Do the same areas activate like they do when the wine is tasted, if so, is it less activated or just as activated? 

    Something else that I was interested that was easier to figure out (but not as related to psychology) was how much sommeliers make. Their are such few of them in the world and what they do is so rare that I wanted to see if the income was worth their years of hard work. In my research, I found that the different levels of sommeliers make different amounts. The lowest level of sommeliers make between forty to fifty thousand a year. A certified/level two sommelier will make between sixty to seventy thousand a year. And a level three sommelier will have a salary of seventy to eighty thousand. Personally, this wouldn't suit my interests, but obviously it does for some, and goes well for them as well. 

1 comment:

  1. I also found the topic of sommeliers to be fascinating. I believe that sommeliers are actually somewhat trained in smelling wines as well as tasting them. In See What I'm Saying I think it talks about how some of them make a lot of money based on how much expertise they have and how many degrees they get in it. Being a sommelier seems very difficult to do and I thought it was interesting that parts of their brain were more active in certain regions than the average person when taking a sip of wine. Great post!
