Monday, June 24, 2024

Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover, Judge it by it's Smell!

The smell of a person often indicates how likely they are to be judged by other people. People who smell better are often judged positively, with people who smell worse often judged poorly. While basic interactions are judged by the use of cologne or perfume, or the lack thereof, smell actually plays a more important role in life than just whether or not a person is worth interacting with. Everyone has their own unique smell, with people being able to tell the difference between sexes depending on their natural smell, as well as the body's symmetry.

Someone’s natural smell is often indicative of the “symmetry” of their body. Studies have shown that women typically go for men who smell more "symmetrical", as they often smell better than those who aren't. Symmetry is defined as having the same features on both sides of a person’s body. This is used subconsciously through sight and smell to help people find a healthy partner. It has been shown that people can smell how symmetric a person is, which increases their chances of a good relationship. Not only is it indicative of physical attraction, it also provides a way to more likely produce healthy children, in a way providing a level of natural selection.

While we aren't told to judge a person by their looks or what they wear, when it comes down to it, a person with higher symmetry is more likely to get into a relationship, because it indicates that their health is in better shape. Not only does it imply physical or mental health, but it helps indicate genetic health as well, having a significant less chance for any potential genetic deformities.

Work Cited

Rikowski, Anja, and Karl Grammer. “Human body odour, sym
metry and attractiveness.”
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, vol. 266, no. 1422, 7 May 1999, pp. 869–874,

Rosenblum, Lawrence D. “Like Marvin Gaye for Your Nose.” See What I’m Saying, W. W. Norton & Company, New York City, New York, 2011, pp. 79-98.

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